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Providing Holistic & Wellness Services

To empower you to make a real change in your life to feel healthier and happier!



Let's discuss your reasons for support

Striking balance
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Hi, I am Barbora. Let's go on a transformational journey together…

Holistic Practitioner & Nutritional Advisor

“If you don't make time for wellness, you will be forced to make time for illness.”

Now read that AGAIN!

What are you looking for?


Holistic Healing

Individually tailored 1:1 sessions to help you uncover the root cause of your health issues. 

This includes stress & anxiety, nutritional therapy, autoimmune diseases and hormonal imbalance. 

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Corporate Programme

Our signature wellness support group programme is here to help your teams thrive.

Join us on an amazing journey towards holistic wellbeing and discover the power of self-care and personal growth. Whatever your goal, we've got you covered.


Healthy Happy You Community

Elevate your wellbeing with Healthy Happy You!  

Say goodbye to bloating, excess weight, and mysterious symptoms.  Join now for FREE expert guidance and a supportive community!

Julia, Northants

I have recently completed an 8 week program called the Power of 8 ran by Barbora and Fran. When I started the program I had no idea what to expect. I joined, because I wanted to lose weight and I have tried (and failed) over the years EVERY diet plan going!

The enlightening thing about the Power of 8 is it ISN'T a diet!

During the 8 weeks  you are guided through different areas to focus on; these include nutrition, self care, hydration, sleep, balance , exercise, how to deal with stress and then they give you the tools to bring all these together to make small changes and habits to get them to ‘stick’

The support part of the plan is incredible, there is a weekly live call (recorded if you can’t attend) and a community chat group, plus the ladies are on hand to answer any questions.

If you have tried the ‘DIETS’ and want to finally make permanent healthy changes and choices that stick! Then I highly recommend this program!!! Thank you! I will be looking out for future programs you will be running!

Charlie, Northants

Last night I attended Barbora’s Hormonal masterclass and it was just incredible. Barbora is so knowledgeable on all things health and wellness and you can tell she has a real passion! It’s sad that women aren’t taught about hormones and cycles in much detail when they are younger. I had pages and pages of notes in my notebook and feel more in touch with why I may feel a certain way at a particular stage of my cycle. Thank you so much! I am looking forward to your next master class whatever it may be

Margie, Northants

I am buzzing today, tried on a pair of trousers I bought 2 years ago, still had the labels on and they fit comfortably as well!

I can’t thank you enough, this programme has given me more than I ever expected!

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